Email has a tool build-in for dispatching email.

The recipients for any email dispatch are stored in the database. You can target any group, saved search (smart group) or specific user.

Options available:

  • Send to
    • In the first field select group, search or user.
    • A further field will be presented allowing you to select the group, search or user you want to target.
  • Schedule
    • You can send the email in real time or schedule if for a further date
    • If you select ‘specify date’ a field is presented for selecting the date and time the email will be dispatched.
    • Selecting ‘hourly’ means the email will be dispatched to the specified list every hour.
    • You might use this option in connection with a data report that updates frequently
    • Selecting ‘daily’ presents a selector for the hour of the day the email will be dispatched
    • Selecting ‘weekly’ or ‘fortnightly’ allows you to select the day of the week and hour of the day for the dispatch
    • Selecting ‘monthly’ present the option to select the day of the month and hour of the day.
  • Subject is the subject line for your email dispatch
  • 'From name' and 'from address' is the sender that will appear in recipients mail box
  • Email content
    • The email content is defined in the same way section content is defined.
  • Dispatch HTML
    • In development is a feature that will generate HTML content that is robust enough to present consistent formatting across most popular email clients.
    • In the interim, this field allows you to enter source code for the email after optimising it. Expert users only!