Relational List

The relational list field type is a very sophisticated and versitile tool for creating and managing data connections between databases.

It is a central building block in a wide range of systems and web applications.

For example

  • A record for an organisation can have a list of personnel by using a relational list to connect it with a personnel database
  • A donation database can use the relational list tool to connect a donee with a causes they have contributed to
  • Multiple relational lists can connect organisations with people, and people with training they’ve completed
  • An awards entry system can connect entrants with their entries, the entries with categries and with scores provided by judges
  • A relational list can be used to grant administration access to a record to multiple users
  • In an ecommerce system the relational list can connect
    • customers to orders
    • orders to products
    • products to features

A relational list could be a better alternative to multiple checkboxes or other ways a record can be categorised. For example, in creating a donation database system, you could have multiple number fields or checkboxes for casuses being supported. If you were regularily adding more, soon you’d have a very long form, or you would be losing data by deleting fields. Using a relational list does not encumber the record with multiple fields that will often not be relevant.