Field types

Single line
  • The most basic field type is a plain text field.
  • It is a single line, one character height.
  • It can be used for any kind of text content.
  • Similar to a text field but able to store multiple lines of content.
Formatted text
  • This field uses the content formating so you can format text using character and heading styles, tables and more.
  • The data saved is either checked or unchecked.
  • The title field is not for storing data. It is fixed text than can be used to divide the fields into sections or add further instructions.
  • You can add a short title formatted with a heading style, a long paragraph of text or anything in between.
Multiple Choice
  • Presents a number options from which the user can select one
Dropdown list
  • Functions the same as multichoice
  • The options are displayed and selectable when the user clicks the field
  • Same as the text field, only numbers allowed
  • Numerical field
  • If your database is for storing products this field will be used for online shopping
  • Date in the format dd/mm/yyyy
  • A pop-up calendar appears when the field is clicked in
  • For uploading a single image
  • The full size file is stored, with resized image displayed within the record
  • This field connects the photo gallery feature to the record.
  • For a blank record this is a multiple image upload field
  • Document upload field
  • The documents will be stored in a folder on the server and linked from the record
  • If you are creating a database with a large number of fields you might want to break the record and any web forms into separate pages
  • Add the page option wherever you want a page break
  • The label will not appear anywhere, you can leave it blank
  • Page numbers will show at the bottom of the page
  • Another way of breaking up a large number of fields is with tabs
  • Add the tab option wherever you want to divide the content
  • The label of each tab appears in the tab links at the top of the page
  • For adding a comma separated list of tags
  • There are a three format otions for name fields:
    • firstname lastname
    • lastname firstname
    • title firstname lastname
    • title firstname lastname suffix
  • Field for a valid email address
  • The email field can be used for the email featire and login
  • Flexible format for mobile number
  • Flexible format for phone number
Web address
  • URL for a website
  • Will automatically have http:// added if it’s not entered.
Physical address
  • Field for storing a physical location.
  • Address is broken into separate fields for
    • no. / street
    • suburb
    • city
    • state / province / region
    • postcode
    • country
  • The longitude and latitide is automatically stored for a valid address for use in mapping.
Postal address
  • Field for storing a postal address
  • Postal address is broken into separate fields for
    • box / bag / street
    • lobby / suburb
    • city
    • state / province / region
    • postcode
    • country
  • If this database will be used for web site access control you can use this field to create a username for login.
  • Alternatively users can login with their email address and a password.
  • If you add this login field you should also add the password field.
  • Characters are hidden with *** as they are entered.
  • You have no access to passwords that users set, but they can be reset.
  • Activating this field and either an email or login fields adds this database into the list of options for section control
  • Field for entering a twitter account
  • Can be displayed as a twitter profile or follow button
  • Field for entering an instagram account
  • Field for entering a fackbook profile or page address
  • Can be displayed as a like, follow or profile widget
  • Field for entering a linkedin profile address
  • Can be used for generating a linkedin profile widget
  • Field for entering a pinterest profile address
  • Field for entering a snapchat profile address
  • Field for storing an rss feed address
  • Can be used for formatted display of content
  • The formula field generates a decimal number as a result of calculations performed using other fields
  • Use the initial value field to enter a formula, identifying other fields in the format
  • A shopping example
    • x20
    • if the quantity fields is set to 3 the formula field would display 60
  • A donation example
    • If each cause field was a number field, and the amounts entered were 0, 30 and 50, the formula field would display 80
  • Any mathmatical formula can be entered, no matter how complex.
  • Formula fields update as soon as the user completes any field in the form, and also update when the form is submitted.
  • The value cannot be manually overwritten.
  • A likert field for survey data
  • Seven options ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree.
  • Create a web form button with this option.
  • The label will be the button text.
Submit Button
  • If this database setting will be used in a webform, the submit button will save the form data
  • The label will be the button text
  • An auto-fill field appears like a text field, then as content is entered a list of options is presented to select from.
  • An unlimited number of options can be added without slowing down the responsiveness of the form
  • A relational field connects one database to another
  • For example, you could have a database of organisations, then another of people, and use relational fields to connect one to the other.
  • Using the target option, select the database you are connecting to this one.
  • Each form / record in this database will have a selector to choose the related record
    • for smaller databases this will be a select list
    • for larger target databases this will be an autofill field
  • The target database records list will use the first field that has ‘show in index’ selected as its identifier in the list
Relational list
  • Relational list fields also connect one database to another
  • They allow for multiple records to be selected
  • There are many advanced features in relational lists, so this field type is covered separately here.
Date added
  • Activating this field displays the data and time the record was first created when viewing the record
  • It is not editable.
Last updated
  • Activating this field displays the data and time the record was last updated when viewing the record
  • It updates automatically every time the record is saved, and not editable.